So, you clicked my first blog? Theme agriculture and fishery! This is a assignment from the HZ university of applied sciences in Holland. The assignment is: Design a Hovercraft which feeds the mussel ( Black gold in Holland). Our design is called: Black servent ( Servent of black gold ). The design should be used to drop foodpackages and move itself above water and land . Curious? Scroll further and watch which phases I pass before the end result is made.
donderdag 28 juni 2012
Differences between performances
The brushless lift motor uses 3 ampere to lift the whole design
The skirt of the design should be 2 inches tall
The distance between the frame plates can be 1,2 inch
There are 2 propellers of thesame dimensions needed
Most favorable:
The brushless lift motor uses 1 ampere to lift the whole design
The skirt of the design should be 1,8 inches tall
The distance between the frame plates can be 1,1 inch
There are 2 propellers of thesame dimensions needed
There brushless lift motor uses 2 ampere to lift the whole design
The skirt of the design should be 4,5 inches tall
The distance between the frame plates can be 1,6 inch
There is 1 lefthanded propeller and one right handed propeller with turned engine needed
We can conclude that there is always a efficiency between theoretical, practical and most favorable performances. Our conclusion in this project is:
The skirt needs to be taller then expected ( which only looks better in the design which was not expected )
The brushless motor lift motor uses less elektrical energy then expected
The distance between the plates cannot be achieved when there is no mounting door in the upper-plate
There are 2 different types of trust propellers needed, an accesoire as third propeller cannot be done by this.
The reasons why the calculations didn't turn out to fit are:
The brushless motor was calculated on pure weights. So that doesn't include all of the elements that make the hovercraft lift. Because of the water the hovercraft didn't need that much power.
The skirt was designed on its roundings, wat we didn't knew was that they need to be blown up for propper work.
The plates can't be 1 inch close to eachother. This because they also need to be mounted as one.
The 2 propellers are slapping wind sideways. Thats why they can't be thesame.
So u see. Theoretical there can always be a certain kind of information missing.
That's why its always good to test it anyways, no matter how surten you are.
The most difficult type of usual bearings for me.
Software&hardware Flowchart

Quality monitoring
In the third fase of the project we devided responsebility.
In the last week KOEN said he couldn't finish his part of responsebility.
I allready told him he couldn't but he wouldn't listen. So we did the work.
Falling back on sub-sub system design

And what turned out? Hell yeah, the sub-sub system design was correct.
Testing the design
Exiting for us all. It was as learnfull and succesfull moment.
Why we chose certain components
The hovercrafts skirt needs to be filled with air. This is way it's important that the skirt is made of flexibel material. But what most groups seems to forget is that it's also floating on water. Then the skirt is too flexible it wil take water and sink. This is why we chose to use very thin rubber. The thin rubber we chose is originally made for peoples ponds.
As for the trust motors, we chose to use propellers, they can make a high rent but low pressure. This is good for the airflow and makes the hovercraft come forward. We use 2 small propellers because this way they don't interrupt the straight design and still deliver a high powerrate. As for the test: It was a succes. We use one left handed propeller and one right handed propeller. This way the hovercraft won't spin.
The mini servo's are very cheap and only take little power. They are a accelante choise for delivering the foodpackages at their coorinates. Why use air, high power recources etc, when u also can use the sun.
Long lives the battery
Sub- system design and sub- sub- system design
woensdag 27 juni 2012
Gradelist fase procesplan
dinsdag 26 juni 2012
dinsdag 19 juni 2012
Only one week left for the presentation of our prototype.
Almost finished prototyping
maandag 18 juni 2012
dinsdag 12 juni 2012
Component Design
Today i learned the basics of calculations of construction and went to design my own propeller.
donderdag 7 juni 2012
Nuclear discussion
Today we meet a discussion about nucleair technology. Some day's just don't pay out.

The Questions:
A robot also doesn't get tired of listening to commands.
Some pictures to visualize the answers:
maandag 4 juni 2012
Charging by the sun
Today we bought our first testing part. A 12v 50w solar panel.

zaterdag 2 juni 2012
donderdag 31 mei 2012
woensdag 30 mei 2012
maandag 28 mei 2012
How much forces can a bolt handle?
Change of used language
From now on my blogs will be written in English.
woensdag 23 mei 2012
dinsdag 22 mei 2012
De moraal van dit verhaal
Ik als ingenieur ontwerper voel mij verantwoordelijk voor het effect dat mijn ontwerp of oplossing op het milieu, op de maatschappij en betrokkene partijen heeft. Een voorbeeld:
Wanneer mijn ontwerp minder had kunnen verbruiken was dit beter geweest voor het milieu. Terwijl als ik mijn ogen open had gehouden, dit misschien voorkomen had kunnen worden. Overdreven gezien: Als ik een tandje harder had gewerkt, was ik er misschien achter gekomen dat er een simpelere oplossing is voor het voeden van de motor, waardoor het milieu minder belast werd.
Wanneer ik in mijn carriƫre ethische beslissingen zal moeten maken kan ik dat nu gegrond doen. De verantwoordingsmatrix kan mij helpen in hoeverre ik mij verantwoordelijk kan voelen. Hier speelt mijn moreel namelijk geen rol in. Ethiek houdt voor mij zaken en menselijkheid gescheiden.
maandag 21 mei 2012
Bezoek aan de Shell eco-marathon
Om alvast kennis te vergaren voor de eerste opdracht van volgend jaar zijn we naar de Shell Eco marathon gereisd. Ik moest informatie opdoen over het materiaalgebruik van de earodynamische delen van de voertuigen. Het blijkt dat het materiaalgebruik niet afhankelijk is van earodynamica tot een snelheid van gem. 50 km p/u! Tot die snelheid is enkel vormdesign van groot belang. Zie de foto voor de bron!

Tweede fase: System Design
Er is een plan van aanpak gemaakt en we hebben de eerste bepalingen over het systeem gedaan. Zo hebben we bijvoorbeeld bepaald dat we de voedselpakketten niet gaan verschieten maar laten vallen. Dit bespaard veel energie maar moet wel nauwkeurig gebeuren! Ook hebben we al een aantal eisen en wensen over de hovercraft opgesteld. Dit hebben we gedaan a.d.h.v. analytische en empirische bepalingen.
Eerste fase: Procesplan
First Arduino Elektrical eXperience!
Deze oefeningen doelen er op de basisprincipen van elektronica te leren begrijpen.