Because the chamber in the airpillow under the solarpanel needs to be as thin as possible it is of priority we use a thin lift motor. Normal DC motors are way to high and do not last long. This way we had to choose a brushless motor with a regulator. With this choise we are sure our design lasts long ( because the lift motor is the most used component ) and stays thin. With a lift rate of 600 grams and a speed of over 13000 rounds p/m we should have the best use of component. It has a over capacity because this way it uses less power.
The hovercrafts skirt needs to be filled with air. This is way it's important that the skirt is made of flexibel material. But what most groups seems to forget is that it's also floating on water. Then the skirt is too flexible it wil take water and sink. This is why we chose to use very thin rubber. The thin rubber we chose is originally made for peoples ponds.
As for the trust motors, we chose to use propellers, they can make a high rent but low pressure. This is good for the airflow and makes the hovercraft come forward. We use 2 small propellers because this way they don't interrupt the straight design and still deliver a high powerrate. As for the test: It was a succes. We use one left handed propeller and one right handed propeller. This way the hovercraft won't spin.
The mini servo's are very cheap and only take little power. They are a accelante choise for delivering the foodpackages at their coorinates. Why use air, high power recources etc, when u also can use the sun.
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